Solriamfetol (SUNOSI)

From Cafer's Psychopharmacology: Visualize to Memorize 270 Medication Mascots Solriamfetol (SUNOSI) Solriamfetol (Sunosi) is a new wakefulness promoting medication that lasts for 9 hours. It is stimulating but not considered a “stimulant”. It is a norepinephrine and weak dopamine reuptake inhibitor. Sunosi could be conceptualized as an atypical antidepressant with a mechanism similar bupropion (Wellbutrin). However, solriamfetol is not approved for depression, and clinical trials did not include psychiatric patients. About 1 in 25 subjects treated for narcolepsy/sleep apnea had psychiatric side effects such as irritability and anxiety. Solriamfetol is a Schedule IV controlled substance. By comparison, bupropion is non-controlled but does have potential for abuse at high doses. Subjects who abused drugs reported “drug liking” similar to the appetite-suppressing stimulant phentermine (Adipex) when solriamfetol was taken at supratherapeutic dose. Phentermine is also Schedule...